Sedation Dentistry – Arlington Heights, IL
Breeze Through Your Next Procedure

We understand that some patients feel a degree of anxiety, nervousness, or even fear when they contemplate the prospect of undergoing dental procedures. If that is true of you, you can rest assured that we want to help you have a positive experience! That is why our Arlington Heights team is proud to offer sedation dentistry. With the help of properly administered medications, you may be able to breeze through your next procedure.
Why Choose Costello & DeHart Dental Excellence for Sedation Dentistry?
- Two Types of Sedation Available
- Highly Trained Dentists and Team
- Alleviate Dental Fear and Anxiety
Nitrous Oxide Sedation

There’s a good chance that you know nitrous oxide by a different name: laughing gas. This calming solution is inhaled through a nasal mask and, once you breathe it in, it induces a feeling of relaxation or possibly even giddiness. If you’re interested in learning more about this type of dental sedation – including who is generally a candidate and what aftercare is required – keep reading!
Who is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

We often recommend nitrous oxide for patients with mild dental anxiety. However, it’s also something to consider if you have a strong gag reflex, if you have difficulty feeling numb, or if you need extensive care (like multiple tooth extractions). When you come in for your initial appointment, we will learn all about your dental history, any medications you’re taking, and why you’re considering nitrous oxide so we can determine if you’re a candidate. If you are, then we will add it to your treatment plan and review what to expect.
How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Nitrous oxide is administered once you arrive at our office for your appointment. We will first help you get settled comfortably into the treatment chair. Then, we will place the nasal mask comfortably over your nose and ask you to breathe in through your nose. After a couple of minutes of doing so, you’ll begin to feel the effects. For some patients, it’s a light and euphoric feeling. For others, it’s a feeling of complete calm. Either way, you won’t feel any anxiety, stress, or nerves. One of the best parts is that the sedation levels can be adjusted throughout your procedure so you remain comfortable and completely at ease.
Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

One benefit of nitrous oxide that often gets overlooked is that the effects wear off almost as quickly as they began. That means no lingering grogginess, no arranging for an adult to drive you to and from your appointment, and no using your PTO. Instead, you can jump right back into your normal routine following your appointment (as long as the nature of your treatment does not require you to get some extra rest, of course).
Want to learn more about nitrous oxide sedation leading up to your next appointment? Don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions!
Oral Conscious Sedation

If we determine that oral conscious sedation is right for you, we will prescribe a pill. All you have to do is swallow the medication shortly before your procedure is set to begin. The effects start within minutes, and you should feel very relaxed and possibly even a bit sleepy. Oral conscious sedation is more powerful than nitrous oxide, so we sometimes use it for patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety. The effects of nitrous oxide can linger for several hours, so it is important that you have a trusted adult available to drive you to and from your appointment.
Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is good for patients who struggle with anxiety or fear, but that is not its only application. Here are some other circumstances in which we may recommend sedation:
- You have a sensitive gag reflex.
- You have a medical condition that makes it difficult for you to stay still in the treatment chair for a long period of time.
- You need to undergo multiple procedures or complex treatment.
- It is difficult for you to keep your mouth open for long periods of time.
Before approving you for sedation, we will make sure that you do not have any strong contraindications for it. For example, it is not normally used for pregnant individuals or people with certain respiratory conditions.